Everything Worth Knowing About … Scientific Dating Methods
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Everything Worth Knowing About … Scientific Dating Methods


Volume 27, Issues 5—6 , 5 December , Pages Spectral information from minerals relevant for luminescence dating Author links open overlay panel M. Trautmannc Show more https: Luminescence production is a result of multiple interactions within the imperfect crystal lattice and spectral information is not limited to the emission of light. Results of spectral investigations of luminescence emission during thermal stimulation TL or optical stimulation OSL form the main part of the paper.

However, information on luminescence excitation and light absorption spectroscopy is also presented and possible links between luminescence production in minerals and particular lattice defects are considered. Quartz and feldspars, the most commonly used minerals, receive special attention, but the review includes other materials such as polymineral fine-grained fractions from sediments, zircon, calcite and other salts halite, sulfate , meteorites, flint, volcanic materials obsidian, tephra , ceramics and metallurgical slags.

The exposure to light zeroes the signal employed in luminescence dating. The dated event is the last light exposure which allows establishing the time of site abandonment, object use/displacement, erection and destruction of walls, etc.

Herbchronology Dating methods in archaeology Same as geologists or paleontologists , archaeologists are also brought to determine the age of ancient materials, but in their case, the areas of their studies are restricted to the history of both ancient and recent humans. Thus, to be considered as archaeological, the remains, objects or artifacts to be dated must be related to human activity.

It is commonly assumed that if the remains or elements to be dated are older than the human species, the disciplines which study them are sciences such geology or paleontology, among some others. Nevertheless, the range of time within archaeological dating can be enormous compared to the average lifespan of a singular human being. As an example Pinnacle Point ‘s caves, in the southern coast of South Africa , provided evidence that marine resources shellfish have been regularly exploited by humans as of , years ago.

It was the case of an 18th-century sloop whose excavation was led in South Carolina United States in Dating material drawn from the archaeological record can be made by a direct study of an artifact , or may be deduced by association with materials found in the context the item is drawn from or inferred by its point of discovery in the sequence relative to datable contexts.

Dating is carried out mainly post excavation , but to support good practice, some preliminary dating work called ” spot dating ” is usually run in tandem with excavation.