Dating Edinburgh
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Dating Edinburgh


More details What is the fastest way to get from Edinburgh to Toulouse? More details Is there a direct bus between Edinburgh and Toulouse? No, there is no direct bus from Edinburgh to Toulouse. However, there are services departing from Edinburgh and arriving at Toulouse via London Victoria and Lille. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 28 h 5 min.

How far is it from Edinburgh to Toulouse?

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Share this article Share Until recently, it was thought there was one form of a gene for blue eyes and another one for darker eyes. The dark-eyed are better at tennis Brown-eyed people’s reaction times are faster than those with blue eyes ‘These genetic markers give us a good chance of telling someone’s eye colour. We can predict eye colour with between 70 per cent and 90 per cent accuracy,’ says Dr Louhelainen, who is investigating how genes determine eye colour to help forensic scientists identify murder and accident victims from their skeletal remains.

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When it comes to explaining why eye colour might determine our health, the explanation is that genes behind the colour can multi-task. The inherited liver condition Dubin-Johnson syndrome, which causes brown pigment in liver cells, is linked to a build-up of melanin. Symptoms include pain and fatigue. Melanin may also make brown-eyed people more susceptible to alcohol.