15 Great Rules Amish Follows in Life
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15 Great Rules Amish Follows in Life


One pair of girls walks westward, another pair eastward toward the destination; a threesome travels due south. Although not yet baptized members of the church, these young ladies all wear traditional “plain” Amish garb: A few carry small satchels. Though they are used to exercise and walking strongly, their demeanor is demure, so that they appear younger than non-Amish girls of the same age. The walkers pass homes where the women and children in the yards, taking in the last of the wash off clotheslines, wear no shoes, as though to better sense the warm air, grass, and dirt between their toes.

But in the Amish community, there will be no such shift. The only woman only rules the household, the domestic realm. And if she does work outside the home prior to marriage, 90% of her earnings will go to the family to help out.

The Amish way of life and culture explained. Read about their way of life regarding their funerals, weddings, schools, traditions and life in general. Mennonite People, as they are also known as, for many, are an enigma. For the majority it’s a community that appears to be closed. If, however, you visit Lancaster County, you will soon become accustomed to seeing their black buggies in town, or have a chance to buy wonderful quilts and other products.

Read this article that gives you a deeper understanding of their society, culture and their way of life.