Baruch Spinoza
Дата публикации: 25.09.2021

Baruch Spinoza


The two statements above are clearly interdependent. The Bible tells Christians that God is infallible, and Christians believe the Bible because they believe it was written by an infallible deity. Almost a self-fulfilling prophecy, almost. Using genealogy, we can roughly estimate the age of the earth, as stated by the Bible, to be years.

Science has proven that the earth is closer to 4.

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Few bother to read and understand what is written in the Bible or think critically about what Christian doctrine implies. Each point listed below presents a claim for questioning the authenticity of Christianity. In total, they lay out a convincing case that Christianity is untrue. In Christianity, we see none of these elements. Gary Shadle is a theist who volunteered to construct a rebuttal to each of the listed reasons.

Membership was limited to scholars with advanced academic degrees Ph. The task force convened on and off from to