Belo Horizonte | Brazil
Дата публикации: 19.09.2021

Belo Horizonte | Brazil


We are releasing v0. Below are the full patch notes with our latest updates. Players can find it in the settings. Louis – increase main battery fire range from 8. We are pleased to announce that update 0.

Sep 05,  · WOT is rigged – posted in Locked Thread Archive: Got k battles at present. I noticed that everytime I improved my stats, time will come again that it will go back to its lower stats. Been winning for 3+ days and my stats gone up from % to %. I was so happy coz my stats went up but my luck ran out. After having so many wins that made my stats went up, my stats went down .

I wrote that I have the hunch of World of Tanks being a rigged game, where via matchmaking, tinkering with penetration and probably hit chances and damage numbers the developers guarantee that everyone remains close to the average in terms of kills and wins, so no one quits either because of “too easy”, nor “im pwned by nolifers lol”. The title is misleading because I still don’t and can’t have a real proof. What I have is something that very much correlate to my theory and has one alternative explanation only: My girlfriend and me started new accounts.

The idea is that the Marder II has mm penetration, therefore it can penetrate everything it can face if the match is unrigged and even if its penetration is halved, still can penetrate everything but T5 heavy front armor. Its gun dispersion is small and and the minimum shell damage is OK too. So the Marder II can ignore rigging and has the results that an unrigged match would provide.