Chinese dating shows are changing traditional views on love and marriage
Дата публикации: 28.11.2021

Chinese dating shows are changing traditional views on love and marriage


Once you have mastered the numbers 0 to 9 you are well on the way to telling the date and time in Chinese. Numbers are now used for the names of the days of the week and also the months with a couple of exceptions. Before a different system of characters was used and in the distant past China had a ten day week.

The long-standing dating culture in China is the sān shū liù lǐ (三书六礼) that translates to ‘Three Letters and The Six Etiquettes.’ This tradition has.

Chinese dating is just as confusing, and wonderful, as any other type of dating . For Westerners, a willingness to learn about Chinese culture can make an interracial or international relationship stronger. For Chinese individuals who want to meet others from the same ethnic background, internet dating sites can help. As with any culture, not everyone from China shares the same beliefs.

Still, there are some attitudes about dating that are common among the Chinese. An important one is the involvement of family.