Дата публикации: 26.09.2021



Due to experimental difficulty, it attracted little attention and was unsuitable as a demonstration. Belousov in the Soviet Union discovered the Belousov—Zhabotinsky reaction, but it met with skepticism, because such oscillatory behaviour was unheard of up to that time. It was verified by A. Zhabotinsky, also in the USSR, who in published his research. They produced the striking visual demonstration by adding starch indicator. Since then, many other investigators have added to the knowledge and uses of this very unusual reaction.

The possibility of life on Mars is a subject of significant interest to astrobiology due to its proximity and similarities to date, no proof has been found of past or present life on Mars. Cumulative evidence shows that during the ancient Noachian time period, the surface environment of Mars had liquid water and may have been habitable for microorganisms.

One of the most conspicuous adaptations in early hominins is their mode of locomotion. In fact, the emergence of bipedalism after the human clade separated from the apes, c. Subsequent to the advent of this novel adaptation, the genus Australopithecus became a habitual biped by ca. Yet, the longstanding debate relating to whether Australopithecus had fully abandoned an earlier arboreal life style continues in a polarized fashion.

In this presentation, an attempt will be made to integrate data from fossil and living hominoid morphology and ontogeny and link them to muscle function and observed locomotor adaptation in apes. This approach allows the documentation of character plasticity during ontogeny and how that plasticity relates to observed shifts in mode of locomotion across taxa, providing an interpretive context to explore locomotor adaptation in fossil species.

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Monya Anderson1, Stephen R. We compared Cercopithecoides williamsi, Paracolobus mutiwa, and Rhinocolobus turkanensis, along with the large cercopithecine Theropithecus oswaldi: Estimates for body mass and diet composition of the extant and fossil taxa were compiled from the literature where available. To estimate percent time on ground 5 forelimb indices from extant and fossil cercopithecid specimens including 11 colobine P.