DataLife Engine Версия для печати [Interlude] Сборка сервера от L2jFrozen
Дата публикации: 02.11.2021

DataLife Engine Версия для печати [Interlude] Сборка сервера от L2jFrozen


Главная > Сборки серверов > Сборка сервера от L2jFrozen Сборка сервера от L2jFrozen 19-11-2012, 11:57. Разместил: TANT




Описание: Сборка сервера от L2jFrozen rev.957 Разработчик: l2jfrozen Платформа: Java Хроники: Interlude Версия: rev.957 Размер: 23,24 Мб Залито на: turbobit


  Изменения: Multiple fixes: Removed unnecessary rounding. Fixed some NPE vulnerabilities. At server packets some variables should be static. Fixed some Double-checking lock. Minor cleanup of invalid comments. Fixed NSEE on AdminReload. Reported by Sternwal. Fixed NPE on AdminEditNpc. Reported by Rannek. Removed synchronizations regarding _allPlayers in L2World, FastMap is already synchronized this may lead to deathlocks. Attempting to fix AIOOBE in L2PcInstance. Reported by JPDist®. Replaced append(String) with append(char) where is possible. Replaced boolean literals. Removed unnecessary overridden methods. Using L suffix for longs instead of l to avoid typos. Some cleanup and formatting.

- Added new config to remove cubic when enter on Olympiad. - Fixed Cancel skill, not work when player is invul (like Celestial shield). - Fixed hittask bug when change target fast.(thanks userImproved antibot, now work only if player is in combat, without store and not in peace zone.

- Added L2Monster boost stats config - Fixed olympiad RuntimeException (added log to find possible cause). - Fixed bug with Npc: cannot enter in combat if not allowed to attack - Fixed bug with Clanhall's door. - Fixed bug with nick color after restart. - Added new L2Net protection.

- Added quest state "in Progress". - Fixed quest display format like retail . - Format l2npcinstance.

- Created new flood protection for Potion. - Removed flood protector sendMail. - Now FloodProtectorInterval can be a float value. - Fixed bug with augmentetion. - Format - Format - Fixed bug with Geodata if target goes behind wall.

Added potion slot on buff bar. - Format - Format

Remember to update your database! - Added chars don't read chat from blocked players. (like L2OFF) - Reworked RequestBlock. - Reworked RequestFriendInvite. - Reworked BlockList. - Removed message when friend logout. (like L2OFF) - Fixed bug for blocked player after restart. - Added some L2OFF message. - Format FriendList. - Format RequestAnswerFriendInvite. - Format RequestBlock. - Format RequestFriendDel. - Format RequestFriendInvite. - Format RequestFriendInvite. - Format RequestJoinParty.